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Smart service prevents money laundering

News | Publish date: 12 Nov 2020

Money laundering is a growing global problem that often has connections to other criminal activities. In this area, the GoodTech company Softronic can make a big difference with its anti-money laundering service that can prevent and identify cases early.

– It is basically about increasing customer awareness by making continuous checks on their customers, but also by monitoring suspicious cash flows, says Tommy Paanola, product manager for CM1 at Softronic.

– One of Softronic’s main strengths is our level of service. We want to show that behind our anti-money laundering service, we are a strong team that puts the customer first and together with them contributes to make a difference, says Sandra Madstedt.

– When I started at Softronic almost five years ago, there was less awareness among customers. Then there was a primary focus on following the regulations, but now the commitment extends much further. Customers ask questions about how to work with real problems, both in the business and in the society at large, says Johan Widros.

Read the full interview here – in Swedish: https://www.di.se/brandstudio/softronic/smart-tjanst-forhindrar-penningtvatt/